I found some old tennis photos. Wow, I have changed! I was a robot. Winning all that mattered to me back than. I haven't noticed it before, but looking at the photos now I realise how different I am today.
But some things remained. Like my fighting spirit. Doesn't matter what the score is, I will keep fighting. And thats what I did during the last two tournaments.
After getting through the first round I had to face a girl who I played in Indian Harbour Beach. I retired during that match and now I had a chance to show her how I play when I feel good.
And I did. I won 62 63 and was happy with my performance. I did the same thing she did to me, said "common" after a good shot and run to the chair.
In the next round I faced my old rival Lindsay Lee-Waters. I must've played 8 times against her through out my career. I think one year it was either her, Shenay Perry or Laura Granville.
So I went into the match feeling good about myself, but got a bit tight on the important points, which costed me a match. Still, I was happy with my playing, it was getting better.
After the match my housing took me to see Raleigh. I was really impressed how green and cosy the city is. We even stopped at a bridal store and I had fun trying on some beautiful and soooo overpriced dresses. And for the first time in my life visited a consignment boutique.
Over the week I have made new friends and met a lot of tennis fanatics who help to put a nice tournament together.
Los Angeles.
It's cheap and easy to get to LA, but to move from place to place In LA is hard. There is traffic all the time! And after a very stressful, bumpy flight where I let a scream after an unexpected drop in altitude, I was in no mood to be stuck in traffic. And thank God I didn't, but the next morning.....Oh my..... I was just glad I left 2 hrs in advance.
The tournament was held at the Home Depot Center. I played at this venue many times before as a WTA event just before the US Open. It took a while to get used to the big stadium and windy conditions.
I got to the quarterfinals, coming back from 61 41 down in the first match and 41 down in the second. And lost to Lee-Waters again, but this time in three sets. Maybe next time I will win.
Flight home was long. Its was a choice between a red-eye or a change over. I chose the second one and flew all day. At least there is internet and cable inflight. And it makes the flight seem shorter. So I got to watch French Open and check my emails.
Next stop is El Paso, Texas.
Алина, Здравствуй! Немного не к месту, но.....
ReplyDeleteТот город, который ты не можешь вспомнить (поездка в Италию в детстве) - это город Терамо.
thank you for the autograph and the posing for the photo at Carson! that was some fantastic control tennis I saw :) put the photo at my blog, and GL at El Paso!